SOL16 March 6, 2016

Shower Power

The free thinking that occurs in the shower always surprises me. Many other people have found this to be true. Is it the small space with the white noise of water flowing steadily? I’m sure it’s the hot water, losening my achy arthritis that allows me to think. My body stops throbbing, my joints loosen, and I relax.

Usually I start thinking about the kids in my class, my plans for the day, something I’m struggling with will pop into my head, not a worry, it just passes through my mind. As I stand in the soothing wash, quiet small space, my mind wanders. I’m not concentrating on any one thing. As the time passes ideas ebb and flow through my mind. I love this time because it is so freeing, and creative.

Now if I only had a way to write it all down. With so many good ideas,  I start getting ready for work, running around the house with last minute chores. I have a feeling though, if I stopped, got out of the shower and started writing things down I would loose that creativity that comes with just letting the mind wander. It would become another thing “to do”. I think I’ll stick with my old habit, standing in the shower with no goals, but to loosen up the old bones.


This entry was posted on March 7, 2016. 2 Comments

SOL16 March 4, 2016

To Awaken Joy              to awaken the joy

It’s one of the moments as a teacher you are so grateful, a class  works well together, caring for one another, helping a friend read his favorite book, ask a buddy,”Do you want more time, or coaching?”

We had a fun week of reading and writing activities, a high school student that went through our school,  as a guest reader, now   an internationally known singer; an illustrator who read a story with such animation you just had to laugh.

After reading so many great stories, discussing the key details that made a story so good, these authors have enough background, great mentor texts to create their own amazing stories.

The best part of the entire week was this afternoon, after finishing our work, with an hour left for Daily 5.  The authors took turns reading some of their most current “books”. After each author finished reading their piece three students would comment with something they noticed, liked, or heard. I was so proud of the audience and the authors! One noticed the author had a great wrap up. I had to agree. Another student complimented a fellow classmate’s author’s voice, citing the line that make it so juicy, “Did you think I would?” This is a  tone  rich with attitude, always with humor, we hear daily from her. We all had a chuckle with that remark.

The joy and excitement, sharing their work, with  community I had worked so hard to create, caring and respecting each other as individuals was the best day this year!




This entry was posted on March 5, 2016. 2 Comments

SOL16 March 3, 2016

Blessed by this Group of Writers and then OOopps!

As I opened today’s Slice I quickly reviewed the general overview and short pieces, and particularly enjoyed the Be Inspired photo. As I continued back up, as I usually do, I scan, then go  back and read more carefully. Ooops!

As a new writer to blogs I was posting on the Two Writers reply section. Come to find out that is not how it is done. Oh my, here I go again. Yesterday I continued to try and post replies to a number of writers. I have been amazed, touched, shocked and laughed out loud. What a encouraging, supportive, caring group of people. Each one  unique, in voice, and character. I loved it.
Now I will quickly go back and see if I can salvage my replies, especially one who made a real difference in my life today. Thank you!   I was able to amend a few.
The hour is late, I have a date.              green-eggs-and-ham-clip-art-dr__seuss_8
My bed awaits, tis my fate.
I have been Seussing all week long, 
I can’t talk or walk
without a rhyme to my song.
My brain is mush, 
I did not complete what I must.
Teaching is what I do, With passion I believe,
but organizing is not my  thrust. 


This entry was posted on March 4, 2016. 3 Comments

SOL16 March 2, 2016

In the Treetops

Long ,bare grey branches

Swaying in the breeze

Gently rocking, soothing, calmly reassuring

Against a pale sky, performing the ballet

Dance of the Sugar Plums, slowly bending.


My classroom is a happy  place to be. The atmosphere is bright and cheerful, with one full wall a bank of windows looking out onto grass and a long, narrow grove of trees separating the school yard from neighboring homes. We have had so many exciting things to watch out this wall of picture frames. Just the way the windows are framed into blocks of four large squares it creates a frame for a view of nature at her finest. We see the deer regularly, but we always stop to see who is there, how many, are the fawns growing. Just a few days ago we watched some crazy fancy chickens come trotting out, strutting their stuff! What a sight we all had to laugh, they looked so silly dancing around on the small area of black top on the side of the school. The last two years we had black capped chickadee roosting in the eaves just above our windows. The one spring the babies were so loud it was a little too noisy.

After awhile one of the children asked, “Is that mama ever coming back with the worms?!” The finale was unfortunately after the children had left for the summer. The next day working in the classroom packing up for the summer, our friendly vent cleaning fellow (that’s all he does) had pulled off the vent cover and started to chuckle. I turned and looked, and as I saw what he held in his hands, he asked me why I didn’t call him to get the chicks out of the register! He had pulled out two nests made of straw and grasses. No wonder they were so loud; we kept saying they sounded like they were right in the room with us… they were!

Apparently the fresh air return is not sealed close to the ground and over the years we’ve had field mice, wasps, a mole, and a few too many crickets. I always believed the crickets were a sign of good luck, so I didn’t mind them. It drove the kids nuts because they wanted to find those illusive little critters.

Now that our grounds crew was made aware of our many visitors they brought a load of dirt in and screened in the edges of the building. Well, we will still watch for the deer, and the chickadee keep making new holes in the eaves. I think the custodian has lost that battle, they show up every spring. Who knows, we may see those crazy, fancy colored chickens again some day!


This entry was posted on March 3, 2016. 5 Comments

SOL16 March 1, 2016

Quaking in My Boots

My first post, my first blog, my anxiety. As I read other fellow Slicers encouraging us firsties, I thought I would try. Getting older you start to care less about appearances and want to jump in both feet. So here I go!

I have used wrting as therapy for myself, entertainment for others, and encouragement for dear friends and family. That is my quandry; what is my purpose here?

To become a better teacher I need to write. That is my answer. I don’t like being reviewed, checked on, critisized. And that is my first lesson, as a teacher I must respect and honor my students’ writing first. So here I go.

Pulling into my driveway last night, coming home from work late, again. Exhausted, tired, frustrated with myself, I can never seem to catch up. I tell myself all the time, “It’s impossible, you will never be done. It’s called life.” Sighing, as I pull into the gravel drive, my headlights shining down the path, with a dim light surrounding the area alongside the drive I see my favorite little guy, Bunny. He’s small, swift, and happy. Don’t ask me how I know, I just know. Something about that quick, low movement across the grass in the stillness of the evening, how could he not be content?

Once again I remind myself, nature speaks to me, calms me. She reminds me the important things in life are the little things, those small moments that make me happy.  I have a long list over the years. My adventures through this beautiful world always keep me in my place.







Newbie Test Run

I am sending this message in hopes of learning how to link my blog to the correct place. As an immigrant to technology, I stumble over jargon and the language of the internet. I’m here trying, so here it goes.


AKA Cricketsnbunnies